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Photo du rédacteurEzequiel Terol

The 3 ways to create the changes you know are needed

You are one of those people who see there is a better way of doing things. Every day at work, every evening at home with your family, on week-ends with the volunteer organisation... Your intuition tells you that things would be better for everyone if a number of changes were put in place. Who else but you to do it? What better time to get started than now? You feel it's time to act.

But maybe you feel something is holding you back? Maybe you've wondered where to get those resources you're missing?

  • Conviction?

  • The influence?

  • The know-how?

  • The carisma?

How to make others see what you see so they follow your ideas? How can you embody the person who makes things happen? The one who inspires others to the point of helping them implement these changes in a sustainable way?

You have all the necessary resources inside you

The good news: "You are missing nothing" You have all the necessary resources in you to create this change of which you have the vision. "If that's true, then why hasn't it already been done?" you may ask yourself. The answer is simple to state and revolves around one or more of these 3 aspects:

  • You need to develop and apply your leadership skills. "Everything raises and falls on leadership," John Maxwell says, "and our level of leadership determines our level of effectiveness," he concludes.

  • You need to do some personal work to clarify your purpose, vision and goals, so that you can be the person who can transform your idea into a tangible reality. Carl Jung revealed to us "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate"

  • You need to be accompanied, with your team, on the path you want to take, in order to have access as you go along to keys of understanding that facilitate, accelerate and anchor your work and your results.

"Everything raises and falls on leadership" John C. Maxwell

I am 44 years old and you and I have crossed paths during the second half of my life, during one or more of these stages:

  • 20 years of career as a senior executive in IT and telecoms (Microsoft, Oracle, Nortel, Orange, Alcatel,...)

  • 15 years as a family man (yes, I have teenagers)

  • 4 years of intensive research and experimentation on the different methods of leadership, coaching, communication and behavioural analysis

  • 4 years of development of my business accompanying leaders and collaborating with social transformation projects in France and abroad

  • all of that (excepting the teenagers) on 4 continents

Today, I make myself available to you to look together at what I have learned, to give you keys that can be useful to you in creating this transformation that you wish to see take shape around you.

For each of the three aspects of the answer above, I have set up an ambitious project to help as many leaders as possible like you to make an impact in this world. I believe in the values of humanistic and servant leadership, which puts the person at the heart and allows us to move forward together and in a sustainable way on this planet. While giving as many of us as possible the opportunity to flourish and have accomplished lives.


The three projects, which I will talk about in the following articles, are as follows:

  • The John Maxwell Team Français (JMTF): I am John C. Maxwell's exclusive partner in the French-speaking world for the training and certification of leaders in the Maxwell Method, which has specializations in coaching, public speaking, leadership and business development. We intend to replicate the success of the English-speaking organization and thus train and certify 25,000 Francophone leaders in the coming years.

  • Empowerment Mentoring Français (EMF): I am Paul Martinelli's exclusive partner in the French-speaking world for the creation and distribution of personal and professional development programs that have already helped thousands of people in the English-speaking world.

  • Lead 2 Multiply (L2x): for 4 years now, I have been the partner of many leaders and their teams all over the world, who trust me to support them in their projects to develop more innovative, inspiring, fulfilling and productive environments.

"Servant leadership puts the person at the heart and allows us to move forward together and in a sustainable way, while giving as many of us as possible the opportunity to thrive and have fulfilled lives"

I leave you today with these questions to help you navigate the current situation and the leadership challenge ahead of you:

  • What is the way that seems to work best for you when it comes to influencing others to follow your idea?

  • Could you describe in a few lines the vision you have for each of these environments / areas of your life:

  1. Professional development,

  2. Close loving relationships,

  3. Freedom of time and money,

  4. Personal and spiritual development,

  5. Your health and your body

  • What are the next steps to take with your team to prepare for the success of the second half of 2019?

I congratulate you on your approach and commitment to becoming a better leader and for your investment in creating better results for you and your organization.

Feel free to share this publication with one or two of your close contacts for whom it could make a difference. And of course, feel free to share on your social networks. Your friends are my friends and are welcome in our community.

I wish you to create an extra-ordinary week for you and those around you.

To the success and the significance in your life,


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